
Use command + figure to select different sizes titles

But specially, you can't do it when you are in the source code mode!







command+b Bold

command+i Incline

command + u Underline

command + shift +h Highlight

control + shift + ` strikethrough This it!

To sum up, we can utilize different shortcut keys to achieve diverse effects! Such as final

use ^str^ to achieve superscript like cm^3^

use \~str\~ to achieve subscript like H~2~O, Attention! Only in the English input mode we could input ~ out,in Chinese input mode we only could code ~,obviously ~ ~ no same!

Utilize figure + space + strings to achieve ordered list

Or command + option + o

  1. one
  2. second
  3. third

    1. Use ( command + ] ) or tab to outdent, otherwise use command + [ to indent


If we are typing in the list, and we want to quit the list, we'd better do it by use indent ( command + [ ) to quit list step by step. Actually, It's the most cosy way and makes you typing smoothly!

Moreover, use command + option +u or -/+/* + space + strings to achieve unordered list

  • 1
  • 2

    • 3

The way to quit list is the same as ordered list.

Use command + option + x to achieve task list

  • [x] Wake up
  • [ ] Eat breakfast
  • [x] Take a shower

Use the same way to quit such list


Use Control + \` to achieve inline coding like print("Hello World!")

Also use Command + option +C or \`\`\` code \`\`\`to make code block

import re
one = input()

Use command + option + - to get cutting line

use Control + m to type inline LateX

$\sin2x = 2sinxcosx$

use command + option + B to type LateX block

$$ E_k = \frac 1 2 m v^2 $$



use command + option + T to make table

there are 5 lists and 3 lines


Use command + option + q or > + space + str to quote


​ -鲁迅1

Type 2 enter to quit the quote

type [^mark] to use footnote

Then type [^mark]: or command + option + r to finish the footnote

Look up

use command + k or []() to achieve hyperlink

OPlin's blog

also you can goto the title or mark which you point by [sth](full name of title including character)

go ahead

Ps: in Typora you should hold down the key command and check the link then it will goto.

type command + control + i or ![]() to illustrate

my own img

  1. Famous writer of China
最后修改:2022 年 08 月 08 日